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Recipes with aromatic plants

Recipes with aromatic plants

Many of us already have a "collection" with some of them!
Some just to smell them, others to eat others for beauty only!
Below we analyze the properties and some ideas to use your favorite fragrances!

Dwarf - Pepper-like - Menta Viridis
It belongs to the family of mint (green peppermint)
Inner: it is tonic, digestive, soothing for the stomach, antispasmodic, against hiccups, helps with migraines and toothache, if you chew the leaves. Its leaves are also used in cooking (meatballs, sauces, olives, etc.).
How to make a beverage: For a decoction, boil a few minutes a few sheets in a pan of water, strain it and drink it warm with honey.
For infusion, put a teaspoon into a hot water jar and leave it for half an hour.
Outer: relieve fresh leaves if you rub them on the joints that hurt, and on the forehead in cases of headache. In abscesses we place dust from crushed leaves. The mint is also used in soap making, mashing, confectionery, etc.

Thyme - Common Thymus - Thymus Vulgaris
Internal: it is recommended for stomach and bowel problems, cough relief, cold and flu, nervous system stimulation and soothing. Also in cases of mental decline and anxiety. It gives spiritual clarity and stimulates nerves. It is used in cooking and as aromatic in olives. How to make a beverage: Put one teaspoon of thyme in a pan of water and as soon as it starts to boil, take it down and leave it for ten minutes. Strain and drink it hot with honey.
Outdoor: Used in the bath for rheumatic diseases and for rest. Boil 100g. thyme in a liter of water, strain it and pour it into the bath water.
It helps to treat hair loss, excellent for tooth cleaning (the Cretans rub their gums with thyme to treat gingivitis). Stomatitis and irritated tonsils are treated with gargles with a beverage (without honey).
Recipe for colognes: 10gr. thyme flowers in 250gr. white alcohol, close the bottle with cork and leave it 2-3 weeks in the summer sun. Then we strain.
Recipe for marinade foods: Soak in half a liter of white wine 1 bunch of thyme, 1 bunch of grapefruit, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 2 laurel leaves and some nutmeg.

Rosemary-Rosmarin the pharmaceutical-Rosmarinus Officinalis
Inside: the beverage soothes belly spasms, and is antidiabetic and against asthma. Wine is tonic for heart and vision.
How to make a beverage
Decoction: Boil flowers and rosemary leaves a teaspoon in a cup of water and drink 2 times a day.
How to make wine
Put a few rows of rosemary in a bottle of white wine and leave for several days. We drink 1 glass a day.
Outdoor: Anesthetic for wounds. Pour crumb powder from grained rosemary leaves onto the wound. Bath in rosemary decoction soothes rheumatism. Also in combination with other herbs it is effective against hair loss.

Oregano - Defining the Commonwealth - Origanum Vulgare
Inner: Oregano inhalations help in stomach diseases, the drink soothes cough and toothache, helps with rheumatism pains, intestinal disorders and abdominal pains.
How to make a beverage: For boiling, boil a few teaspoons of oregano in a glass of water. Strain and drink it hot with honey.
For infusion: a teaspoon of oregano in a briquette with hot water. Leave it for 10 minutes, strain it and drink it warm with honey.
Outer: Helps in antisepsis of injuries. Decoction of oregano in the bath water soothes and stimulates (boil 100g of oregano in 1 liter of water).

Sagittarius is the pharmaceutical Salvia officinalis
Inner: it is tonic, helps in stomach weakness, in memory loss, in cold, and in intense sweating.
How to make a beverage: For a boil, boil a teaspoon of fresh or dried leaves in a pan of water, strain it and drink it hot or cold depending on the season.
Outdoor: Relieve fresh leaves if you rub them in areas with insect bites or wounds with pus. Garnishes with the decoction soothe the irritation of the gums and throat. Frequent shampooing is good for hair loss, and compresses with a warm blend are tonic to the skin of the face. It is also used in cooking to taste mainly meats. In the Salvia species there are varieties grown for decorative purposes.

Mentha piperita
Mint stimulates bile production,It has anticonvulsant, antiemetic, antiseptic properties, helps in digestion and is soothing in common cold and cough. It has beneficial properties in colic, in colitis. It is said that mint should not be taken by breast-feeding mothers because it stops milk. In this sense, it can also help to cut it off. Mint oil is against neuralgia and headaches. Mendole is a component of peppermint oil. It is used locally as an analgesic in cases of neuralgia, sciatica headaches. It has antiseptic action
How to make a beverage: For a boil, boil a teaspoon of fresh or dried leaves in a pan of water, strain it and drink it hot or cold depending on the season.

Mochito - the Cuban mint
It belongs to the family of mint and its taste is between mint and mint. It is used in the food, or as a drink alone with honey or as a flavor accompaniment to the famous cocktail that got its name from the plant.
How to make a beverage: For a boil, boil a teaspoon of fresh or dried leaves in a pan of water, strain it and drink it hot or cold depending on the season.
How to make Mochito cocktail: In a low-fashioned glass, we put two tablespoons of black sugar and a little white rum. We rub the sugar until it is consolidated with the rum and after they become a viscous body we add half lime which is rubbed with the corresponding pestle, a top of leaves of mojito (care not press them), crushed ice up and we fill in a ratio of 5 / , 2 / balls! (if all the materials are hit slightly in shaker before it's even better)

What do you have to do with the soot that you've got in the pot and garnishes?
Make this aromatic liqueur that works as a pastry, cooking or even therapeutic (for gastroenterological problems or when you have a sore throat or mouth or mouth)


    250 g lord
    1,5 fl. tea sugar
    3/4 ph. tea water
    1 liter of vodka, raki, or tsipouro without anise
    Green confectionary color (optional, for color enhancement)

Method of preparation.
First take a clean bowl of at least 1.5-2 liters and put in the groin.
In a saucepan make a light syrup with sugar and water. Let the syrup cool down.
Stir the syrup with vodka and pour the mixture over the leaves into the glass.
Seal the glass, shake, and place the glass in a dark cabinet for at least 6 weeks.
Drain the liqueur with turban and add the green confectionary if you want.
Store the liqueur in a nice bottle.

Luisa + lavender
Mix two well-known herbs that are famous for their wonderful flavor and tranquilizing qualities.
We chose lemonade lemon and lavender with the most floral-tasting flavor, for a healthy, tasty drink.
The result will excite you.

    5-6 leafy leaves
    1 1/2 teaspoon of lavender
    1 cup of natural mineral water
    1 teaspoon of honey


    Boil natural mineral water to the required degrees (100 ° C) and then pour the leafy leaves and lavender flowers.
    Let them take their fragrance for 4-5 minutes and, after soaking it and serving it to your favorite cup, add the honey.
    Relax and enjoy it.

Few more secrets
You can also make one liter drink and put it in the fridge. So you will enjoy your relaxing drink frozen even in your office during the day. Make ice cubes from the brew you are preparing and not from water, as this will keep the flavor of your drink unaltered.

To grow one's own fragrances without pesticides is the best he can do for his health